According to the report on the treatment of the wounded in the recent wars since nineteen eighties, the fixation treatment of fractured extremities was completed in the frontal line hospital using external fixator technique with very good therapeutic results. 从国外80年代后几次战争中伤员的救治情况看,对肢体骨折的固定治疗均在一线医院应用外固定器技术进行,并取得了很好的治疗结果。
As to the doctrine of liability fixation, the author think that, in line with the duty of care of different subject of misrepresentation, we should built three different standards consequently which are strict liability, fault liability, liability on willfulness. 笔者认为应当根据不同虚假陈述主体对信息披露主体的注意义务提出严格责任、过失责任、和故意责任三个相应的归责标准,针对不同的信息披露主体加以适用。
Scores of the two groups in the elbow has no significant difference. Conclusion: This study suggests that closed reduction and three cross Kirschner wires fixation stationary strong, more in line with principles of biomechanics. 两组在肘关节功能评分上未见明显差异。结论:本研究认为闭合复位交叉三根克氏针内固定固定相对坚强,更符合生物力学原理。